
Our dedicated contributors each bring a unique perspective to our mission, drawing from personal experiences, professional expertise, and a shared commitment to empowering neurodiverse children and their families.

Esther Chan

Esther Chan, with over 10 years in Hong Kong's vibrant publishing industry, is a graphic designer and art director passionate about visual storytelling. Now based in Warrington, her work draws inspiration from children's illustrations, nature, and floral designs.

Stephanie Chung

Stephanie, with 20 years' experience, is a pioneer in Hong Kong's ABA community and leads a private therapy practice. As a parent to a child with ADHD and ASD, she brings  professional expertise and personal understanding to her work with neurodiverse children.


Sally Ho

Sally, a Hong Kong writer and radio host, is renowned for her sustainability and food tech journalism. Currently, she presents Small Steps Big Impact and is set to host The Purpose Pivot on RTHK Radio 3, where she continues to delve into social issues and their impacts.

Dennis Hui

Dennis, holding a degree in Chinese, refined his writing across a decade in Hong Kong's dynamic media landscape, thriving as a reporter and editor. Currently in Melbourne, he's augmenting his expertise by pursuing a Master's in Communication and exploring multimedia storytelling.

Shirley Lau

Shirley Lau, a freelance writer from Hong Kong and correspondent for EFE, has translated five books on Hong Kong culture. Residing between Hong Kong and Berlin, she engages in cultural exchange through her work, connecting diverse narratives and audiences.

Vincent Leung

Vincent Leung, a Turin-based writer, editor, and translator, explores the intersection of culture, lifestyle, and wellness in our evolving society through varied works, including cacao origin reflections and mental health interviews.

Maloy Luakian

Maloy Luakian has over 17 years of marketing and content experience, focusing on building brands through compelling narratives and behavioral science principles. She loves helping people tell their stories.

Michele Koh Morollo

Michele, a Portland-based journalist, cognitive behavioral hypnotherapist, and psilocybin facilitator, has contributed to Al Jazeera, CNN, and Harper’s Bazaar. She has authored two short story collections with her fiction appearing in anthologies and magazines in the US, Canada, and Asia.

Mathew Scott

Mathew Scott is a Hong Kong-based freelance writer who focuses on performances, places, and people.

Iris Wong

Iris is a writer, editor, translator, and creative content producer. When she’s away from her laptop, she enjoys spending time with her son and fur child, doing embroidery, and listening to audiobooks while getting her 10,000 steps in.


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